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Ed Fujimoto Award


The Ed Fujimoto award is given to one person from each PNKCA club “in appreciation for outstanding dedication and performance to his/her club.”  It is given to someone who has gone beyond just being a member and has done something special for their club. Only one member (or couple from the same household) may be submitted from each club. Nominees are voted on by club members and submitted on the form at the bottom of this page.  This award is not available to clubs that are not current members of the PNKCA.

Deadline fo Submit your Clubs Nomination is April 21st


Ed Fujimoto was the founder and editor of Koi USA magazine in California. Ed started the AKCA (Associated Koi Clubs of America) , and was its first president. He also started the PNKCA (Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association) and was their first Chairman. Ed was active in many clubs in California including the co-founder of the Nishikigoi club. When Ed and his wife moved to Washington State he continued his efforts in promoting the hobby of koi keeping and was co-founder of the Puget Sound Koi Club, and the Olympic Koi Club.

Past Receiptants 


Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society –

Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club – Jay Avery and Leora Gregory

Idaho Koi & Water Garden Society – 

Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club – 

North Idaho Koi Keepers – 

Washington Koi & Water Garden Society – 

PNKCA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of content of information on this website. Reproduction rights by written permission only. Click here to read the full disclaimer. 

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