“A webpage emphasizing all that is happening with Koi keeping in the Pacific Northwest.”
PNKCA Grants and Scholarships

PNKCA Promotional Grants
Each year, funds permitting, the Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association awards up to six, $150.00 grants to member-clubs to promote the hobby of Koi keeping to the general public. The grants may not be used in connection with a Koi show or for a club event that will primarily benefit the club members. Approved past events include public pond tours, banners for home and garden shows, State fair booths, club brochures to be used to increase membership at some event, and exhibits or programs at various public cultural events.
PNKCA Scholarship Awards
The PNKCA’s mission is to further the koi hobby supporting our member clubs and their members. It is in the best interest of the hobby to have as many club members be or become a koi heath advisor (either KHA or CKK). The intent of this program is to help each member club to have one to two members that can assist fellow PNKCA members and the larger koi community with koi health issues that may occur in their ponds. To that end the PNKCA has approved to sponsor to its member clubs one $100 reimbursement per calendar year for a single member per club that completes either the AKCA’s Koi Health Advisor (KHA) program or the Koi Organizational International’s (K.O.I.) Certified Koi Keeper’s (CKK) program.