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2020 Bronze Koi Award Winner

Chris Charbonneau

Washington Koi and Watergarden Society

2020 Chris Charb

Chris Charbonneau, past president of the Washington Koi & Water Garden Society, and also past chair of the Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association, is PNKCA’s new winner of the Bronze Koi Award, given to a member in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and British Columbia who has given distinguished service to the koi hobby.  Congratulations, Chris!


Chris has served the Washington Koi & Water Garden Society in a variety of roles, beginning as co-chair of the 2005 Koi Show at Country Village.  Subsequently, over the years she was elected as Program Chair, Secretary, Vice President, AKCA Representative, PNKCA Representative, Show Chair, and President for three terms.  During this time, Chris also brought champion fish to their show, and walked off with numerous awards, including Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, and Grand Champion B several times. Upon joining WK & WGS in 2002, she dove into learning about koi health, via their first wet lab.


Later, she served as Vice Chair and then Chair of PNKCA, retiring from that role in 2017.  Chris has been an inspiration for her leadership, enthusiasm, sense of humor, and can-do spirit.


Thanks to Nancy Moore for the picture and article


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