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Bronze Koi Nomination


 1. All information given must remain private.

2. The person recommended must be active in a Koi club (10 years) within the regions of the Pacific Northwest, and must have been in the hobby of koi raising for at least 10 years.

3. Candidates must be a hobbyist and not involved in the selling of Koi, Goldfish, or related products.

4. Recommendations must be submitted to the current Bronze Koi Committee Chairman listed below by April 15th.  Mark the envelope “Confidential”. 

Committee Chairperson:                                                                           Committee Co-Chairperson

Larry Christensen (NW Club)                                                                      Lindsay Gibson

16952 NW Bernietta Ct. Portland, OR 97229-7947  

(503) 531-3303 

I am recommending the following individual for nomination to the Bronze Koi Committee. This person has shown distinguished service to the hobby of Koi keeping. I understand that the committee makes the final decision for the award. I also understand that discretion should be used in obtaining background information on the nominee. Please be as detailed as possible when submitting information and atttach additional documents if necessary).

Bronze Koi Award Nomination
The person I'm nominating below has shown distinguished service to the  hobby of koi keeping.  I understand that the committee makes the final decision for the award.  I also understand the discretion should be used in obtaining background information on the nominee.
(Please be as detailed as possible when submitting information.  You can upload a document file below if needed.
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