“A webpage emphasizing all that is happening with Koi keeping in the Pacific Northwest.”
2011 Ed Fujimoto Award Winners
Canada Koi Club – Randy Dahlgren
Randy has served as our club president for the past 3 years. As our webmaster he has also moved us into the modern era.
Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club – Jeff Thomas
As one of our club’s KHA’s, Jeff has helped the Portland Japanese Garden, the Portland Chinese Classical Garden as well as club members with their fish problems for many years. His extensive technical knowledge and use of a wide variety of pond equipment makes him a valuable resource to club members and an excellent advisor on pond systems. Jeff is a very valued member of our club.
Dai-ichi Koi & Japanese Garden Club of B. C. – Agnes Lynn
Agnes has contributed greatly to our understanding of koi in smaller spaces, foliage and birds in our gardens. She has been great at seeking out programs for our Club.
Idaho Water Garden & Koi Society – Rachel Montgomery
Always ready to jump in and do any of the many jobs involved with running a Koi club, Rachel has been a tireless and inspired addition to our club. Her wholesome and energetic personality truly inspires and motivates many of our more advanced members. She is a real JOY.
Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society – Allen & Colleen McCalip
Allen and colleen are active and giving members of our club, always doing more than the expected. Allen has acted as vice president while Colleen has repeatedly given presentations to our club. They both have put in long, hard hours supporting club activities, including our koi shows. Our club would not be what it is today without the support of Allen and Colleen. We love and appreciate them both.
Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club – Nancy Ness
Nancy took our sad, neglected, club website and completely transformed it. It’s now vibrant, and attractive with many links to other sites. She’s constantly looking for ways to improve the information offered and continues to offer great, easily indsayli, ideas to make it a better site. Because of her encouragement, we now have more educational articles than ever posted there. Articles that will help every level of pond keeper from beginning to expert. She makes everything she does look easy…a sure sign of a pro. We appreciate so much everything she’s done. Thanks Nancy!
North Idaho Koi Keepers – Dan Olson
Dan has served as Vice-President of our new koi club since it was formed in 2006. He continues to volunteer with the educational programs our club is known for and uses every opportunity to promote the koi keeping hobby, emphasis on having fun and learning a lot.
Northwest Koi and Goldfish Club – Sally Karo
Sally has been a past Secretary and is currently the PNKCA Representative for the Northwest Koi and Goldfish Club. She has generously shared her time and knowledge with our club for over 17 years. She is currently responsible for the KHA Corner column of our monthly newsletter and as a KHA helps many of our members with their pond problems and fish health issues. We are extremely fortunate to have Sally in our club and she is so very deserving of this honor.
Olympic Koi, Goldfish, and Water Garden Club – Robert Westcott
Robert has continuously and generously volunteered his time for a variety of functions of our club. He has often offered to help new members build their new ponds and he comes up with many creative ideas to do so. Robert is just the kind of person that our club values as a member. Plus he has a beautiful pond and is always working to improve its beauty and function.
Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society – Bill Harper
Bill has helped with many of the clubs events like setting up at the show, doing water quality and greating people at the show and sharing his great knowledge of the koi hobbie with them. And has donated items for meetings, shows and banquets to help raise money for our club funds. If a member or non member has a problem with a pond or koi bill is willing to go and help any way he can, to help them with the koi hobbie. He is at just about all of are monthly meetings and has given talks about water quality and filteration to our members.
Puget Sound Koi Club – Maggie Post
Maggie has been involved with Koi for just a few short years, but in that time she has become an avid koi keeper and joyful advocate for club activities. She has been the club secretary for the past 2 years and has shown a willingness to volunteer whenever the opportunity arises. Her efforts show clearly in the smooth operation of the club. She is the unanimous selection by the club for the Ed Fujimoto award this year.
Siskiyou Koi & Pond Club – Steve & Terry Brown
Steve and Terry Brown have been selected for the Ed Fujimoto Award this year. When we needed officers for the club, Steve and Terry stepped up and have served well. Steve is in his second year as Vice President and Terry is presently the Treasurer. They are involved in all club activities. Last year Terry organized some special meals that made a potluck more fun. They both continue to faithfully assist with the potlucks each month. Terry has been a champion of the telephone. She has called members whenever we needed a personal contact with them. Steve loves the creativity and challenge of construction. He built a wonderful, portable display for the sale of our shirts, jackets and pins. He is presently working on a new booth for the Jackson County Spring Fair. Both Steve and Terry are taking significant roles in the preparation for our Pond Tour in September 2011. Steve is the club master at repairing leaking show tanks. The list goes on and on. Both Steve and Terry are active contributors to the board both in ideas and resources. They are good public relations people and represent the club well. They also add to the friendly atmosphere of club gatherings. Their involvement is an asset to our club. We appreciate them for all they do and who they are. Thank you, Steve and Terry!
Washington Koi & Water Garden – Don Simono
Don Shimono is so dedicated to our koi club that he insisted on overseeing our show set up process when only a few short weeks from extensive back surgery. We needed his expertise but had to threaten to tell Elaine when he insisted on lifting!