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2010 Ed Fujimoto Award Winners

Canada Koi Club of British Columbia

Ricky & Anna Leung

Ricky and Anna are dealers in our club. They consistently provide us with koi to auction at our functions. They also are accomplished pond builders and are very generous with their time and expertise.

Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club

Gia Lanigan

Gia Lanigan was unanimously voted in for the Ed Fujimoto Award.  Gia meets all the criteria of this well deserved award and more.  She has been an amazing asset to our club since she joined in 2006, serving in many different officer positions and taking on any task she is offered.  Her outstanding whit and encouragement is a true joy

Dai-ichi Koi & Japanese Garden Club of BC

Laura Patch

Lauri Patch is a fairly recent member to the Club and has pitched in accepting the Secretary position, faithfully attending meetings and is working on setting up a web site for Dai-ichi Koi.  She is greatly valued as a member.


Irene Dunic picked up the award for Lauri.

Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society

Diana Lynn Rehn

Diana Lynn Rehn is currently serving her second term as the President of the IEWG&KS. She has been dedicated to the koi hobby for many years she and her husband Frank are always willing to lend a helpful hand and are always present for the many functions the club is involved in. Diana Lynn is always finding ways to increase her knowledge of the koi hobby, and is always willing to share the information with others. Diana Lynn always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude. She has taken on many tasks for the club without hesitation. She is so creative and is always willing to share her talent to benefit the club. Diana Lynn never has to be asked twice to lend a hand and her hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed.


Gene Anderson received the award for Diana Lynn Rehn.

Idaho Water Garden & Koi Society

Reid & Cyndi Bradberry

Congratulations Reid and Cyndi!  Your contributions to IWGKS and the Koi hobby are greatly appreciated. You have given unselfishly as members and newsletter editors.

Mid Columbia Koi & Pond Club

Rod and Eileen Thorne

Ron and Eileen have been the real backbone to our club. They always cheerfully support the club activities and volunteer to help out at nearly all the events.  They have hosted many meetings at their home and have participated heavily on the club’s board for several years now. The success our club has enjoyed is directly linked to their hard work and dedication to the club.

North Idaho Koi Keepers

Bruce Todd

Bruce Todd has been an enthusiastic member of North Idaho Koi Keepers since before he actually had a pond. Bruce has brought questions and ideas to the group that have resulted in some very educational workshops. He has made presentations to members and hosted workshops at his pond. Bruce has devoted many hours of time to the koi hobby and always steps up to volunteer for whatever is needed. NIKK is proud to nominate Bruce for the Ed Fujimoto Award.


Gene Anderson presented the award to Bruce at the latest NIKK workshop.

Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club

Leo Marsh & Virginia Hokkanen

Both Leo and Virginia have done many things for the Northwest Club, and the Koi Hobby. They have both served as officers and Club President several times; past Show Chairman; KHA’s; and general goodwill ambassadors across the country at various Koi Shows, and PNKCA and AKCA Conventions. Virginia was a co-Chairman of a PNKCA Convention for another Koi Club. They are very active in the Koi Community. They are quick to answer a call for help when it arises; helping to build member’s ponds; resolving other member’s pond and fish problems, and to give a helping hand wherever and whenever needed. They have also taken visitors from around the country into their home and extended their hospitality as needed. They are very generous in their ability to help the Club with fund raising and just plain old sweat equity. When a job needs to be done, you can rest assured, in their hands it will be dealt with successfully.

Olympic Koi, Goldfish  Watergarden Club

Helen Morgan

Helen has been with the club for a couple of years now, and has been a wonderful volunteer, helping in any way she is needed. With short notice she cheerfully took over the PNKCA for Peggy Roney when she had to quit due to personal reasons.

Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society

Lonnie Harris

Lonnie Harris selflessly continues to step forward and volunteers his time to help the club in so many ways. His smiling face and can do attitude has been a great asset to the Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society.

Puget Sound Koi Club

Frank Douglas

Frank Douglas for 3 years helping with water quality at our show, 2 years as President, 1 year as V.P. helping get new people & vendors in the club.


John Hillstrom accepted the award for Frank.

Siskiyou Koi and Pond Club

Jewell Spitzer

Jewell is the kind of member every club loves to have. She is a worker. Jewell has been active in everything from the club’s very beginning.  She prefers to stay out of the limelight but she attends and participates in all we do.  She always volunteers to help wherever help is needed and she can be counted on to complete everything she commits to.  She has been on the Executive Board for three years, has taken a large role in setting up and running the Master Gardener Spring Fair, has opened her home to club and board meetings, assists with potluck set up and serving, makes phone calls when needed, worked hard on our successful pond tour in 2009 and has participated in every joint activity we have had with the Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society in Roseburg.  Jewell is always friendly and easy to talk to as one member who voted for her reported.  We agree.  There is really nothing we have found that she will not do if she can quietly go about getting the job done without any fanfare.  Jewell is such a master at working behind the scenes that a number of our own members do not know all she does.  And if all that were not enough, she makes the world’s best cookies.  Thank you, Jewell for all you do for our club and even more for who you are.

Washington Koi & Water Garden Society

Helena Hileman

Helena Hileman won the AKCA person of the year in 2008, and was a co-winner of the same award in 2005.  She is now serving as Vice President for a second time.  She has served as show chair and Member at large.  Vick Nair and her handled the pond tour lunch.  She has played a major role in auction acquisitions.


Chris Charbonneau accepted the award for Helena.

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